National Pit Bull Awareness Day – Every Day!

(Reprinted from

Last October for National Pit Bull Awareness Day, we issued a call to action so that everyone could help make a difference for pit bulls in their community. Now, as part of our Campaign of 25,000, we’re saying, “Let’s make every day pit bull awareness day!” Here are some things you can do:

1. Participate:
• Volunteer at local adoption events or information booths, where you can talk to the public about pit bulls and hand out educational materials and StubbyDog resources. To find pit bull rescues in your area, click here.
• Or, participate in a pit bull parade, hike or other gathering organized by a local pit bull group.
• If you’d like to learn how to make a press release for your pit bull related event, here’s a sample.
• Don’t forget to follow Laura’s Blog for updates on the Campaign of 25,000 and action alerts!

2. Contact the Media
Most people only hear about pit bulls when there’s a negative media story. Let’s change that! Contact your local media, including local TV stations, radio stations, newspapers and magazines, in one of the following ways:
• Tell them a positive pit bull story, such as a story about a local pit bull therapy dog or service dog and ask them to do a story on this special dog.
• Or, tell the media about an upcoming pit bull related event you’ll be participating in, such as a parade, hike, adoption or educational event. Give them a press release or flyer if you have one (see sample press release above). Ask them to cover your event.
• Or, simply tell them about your family and your pit bull(s) and what they have meant to you (as well as how prejudice and misperceptions impact you). Challenge them to cover a positive pit bull story.
• Then, make sure to give them the StubbyDog media press release! You can download it by clicking here. This is an important step because StubbyDog can be a source of accurate information for reporters, and we can help connect them with local stories.
• Make sure to read our tips for talking to the media, as we want to make sure to help change public perceptions about pit bulls.
• Lastly, report back to us. Tell us what you did and if you had success.

If we all work together, we can make every day a pit bull awareness day!

StubbyDog Media Press Release
Sample Press Release
Tips for talking to the media