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French Bulldog masturbating... er, no.
The second-most disturbing thing about this video is that anyone would want to film it and upload it to YouTube. But the first is the woeful...
New hope for Shar-Pei... coming soon
There is news today about a long-awaited DNA test for Shar-Pei that could revolutionise the health of the breed - as long as breeders are wi...
KC report reveals plans for new crossbreed register
A document leaked to pedigreedogsexposed by an insider at the Kennel Club reveals that the KC plans to extend its register to provide ances...
French Bulldogs - from nose to... er...
Yep, no tail.. it's a clear risk for spinal/anal issues and yet Frenchies with no tails continue to be rewarded in the show-ring. And so...
Halloween Costume Contest Goes to the Dogs!
By: Patti Ehle, GDB Utah Alumni Chapter Vice President of Greatest Paws on Earth This Halloween costume contest clearly went to the dogs. On...
A Pit Bull Named Daisy
A young girl meets a shelter dog and falls in love, changing her family’s view of pit bulls forever By Cheryl Westfall (Reprinted from Stubb...
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