Great day for a walk

So, that’s what we did. 

After work, of course. I am off this week, so naturally, and in the most American way possible, I end up at the office. Not for long. Had dogs with. Also wearing sweats. So, not a real work day, but still. Vacation that does not include trip to Santa Clara would be lovely. At least the 49er’s were not playing. 

The good part it at least being at work puts us closer to the bay. We went the Palo Alto Baylands for a stroll. Soo many people out! Not sure if it was normal lunch strolls for folks? Everyone else off this week? I was not expecting to see more people than we do on a normal weekend.


So many birds to watch. Very busy out there. 


You normally see pelicans in a group. Funny to see a singleton. You really notice how freaking huge they are when they are surrounded by Shovelers and Coots instead of their own kind. 


Kate was not in a posing sort of mood today. Tired from office excitement, maybe. She just *knows* there is a tennis ball in the building somewhere and must…find…it. She didn't. It was lost. About two years ago. That Kate, not much into letting go. 


I had this brilliant idea for a little trip this week, but I got busy and/or lazy about firming up plans and when I decided to do so there were no dog-friendly hotels left. Boo. So, we are staycationing. I have a long list of things that I will feel mildly bad about not getting done. Dumb shit like car washing and haircuts and new glasses and dog bathing. The beach sounds a little better. Maybe we’ll fit that in between naps and cookies. 

Bendy chops! 
