GDB Puppy Raising Scholarship Essay Submission: How Do You Give Them Up?

By: Sophia Hamilton (2014 GDB Puppy Raising Scholarship Recipient for Overall Achievement)

“How will you give her up?” Everywhere I went this question was posed about Almond, the little guide dog puppy that stood by my side. Truthfully I had asked myself this same question countless times, and in the beginning I had no idea what the answer was.

Almond was the first of three puppies I raised for Guide Dogs for the Blind. I began raising puppies in 2009, when my 8th grade teacher assigned the project I was to complete over the course of my final year in grade school. I decided that training a guide dog puppy would be perfect. Becoming part of this organization has been one of the most enjoyable and rewarding things I have done thus far in my life.

Throughout my four years of high school, I had puppies on campus with me from time to time. People would ask me all the time about the program and what my specific duties with these dogs were. Through this program I made connections with many people at my high school and in the community in general. One of my now closest friends, Kailee, and I met through GDB. She is a year below me in school and was inspired to join our local puppy club after seeing me at school with my second pup, Shimmer. Before joining the club, Kailee, like just about every other person asked the question, “How do you give these dogs up?” This time I finally had an answer, and I told the story of Almond’s graduation:

“Standing on stage, holding Almond’s leash in my hand for the last time, a shiver rippled down my spine. My fingers tightened around the leash as I fought back the tears that were threatening to overtake me any second. I was not ready to let my little girl go. As I listened to the voice of the woman who was to receive her, a wave of pride came over me. She said, ‘Without her, my dreams would never be fulfilled. Now I can go home with my little Almond and do all the things I want to without worrying how I will do them.’ I knew right then that I was able to give her up because all along she was never really mine to keep. I had raised her for a greater purpose, to give a person who is blind her mobility, and that day I let Almond go for the last time, knowing I had done just that.”

This story really inspired Kailee to go forward with her desire to raise a guide dog as she saw just how rewarding it can be.

My work with guide dog puppies has taught me persistence, perseverance, and patience. It has contributed greatly to who I am today, as it has shown me the joy that results from selflessness. Through my experiences I have found a passion in serving others. Although I am not certain of the career path I will follow, I know that many of the values and work ethics I will carry with me came from my involvement with GDB. Raising these dogs has shown me just how valuable serving and working with others is. Upon witnessing the strength and love of the partnerships of these individuals and their guides, my goal and desire to help improve the lives of others has been further solidified. I want to continue to experience the joy I get from taking part in changing a life.

Check out a video project Sophia created entitled, “Raising Three Guide Dog Puppies: Sophia’s Story,” on GDB’s YouTube channel here: